To search simply begin typing. Once you have entered several characters a list of suggestions will appear.
These suggestions are the first dozen or so entries that match what you have typed. If you continue
typing the list of suggestions will change.
If you see the taxon you are searching for in the list, you can select it by clicking on it with the mouse,
or by using the arrow keys to scroll down, then select it by pressing the ENTER key.
Note that the suggestions only match to the beginning of words.
Alternatively, you can type some text to search for and hit ENTER, ignoring the list of suggestions.
A list of matching taxa will appear under the search box. In this case, the search will match any
text in the taxon name.
Click the taxon name to view the profile for that taxon. Click the genus or family to view all species
contained therein. Click the column headings to sort.